We envision a future of risk management where you focus on the creative thinking about managing the risks, while an intelligent system will help you keep track it all, combined with a beautiful and intuitive user interface. AI could even assist you with the thought that goes into the process of the mapping which risks your company is exposed to. This great combination of AI and creative human thinking, allows for the best possible results.
At Keen, we combine years of industry expertise with extraordinary digital innovation. We have industry experts with years of experience in high-stakes projects at various companies. Combined with our team of young, enthusiastic entrepreneurs that excel in digital innovation and UI/UX design, we designed Keen especially for managers.
Besides business development, Aaron is responsible for Keen’s day-to-day management. He is passionate about developing digital ventures which empower people in their work. He is currently involved with developing an online knowledge sharing platform for companies and co-founding a boutique consultancy focussing on the financial industry. Aaron studied Science Business and Innovation at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, before doing his MSc Digital Business and Innovation.
Jonne is responsible for User Interface and User Experience design at Keen. He did his bachelor of Industrial Design Engineering at the Delft University of Technology, after which he started his Master Strategic Product Design. He has a passion for designing intuitive digital solutions and entrepreneurship, combining his interests and expertise in the fields of design, business, and psychology. Jonne has previously jointly developed an online knowledge sharing tool for companies, and co-founded a boutique innovation consultancy which focusses on the financial sector. He’s a firm believer of constantly challenging the status quo.
Rink is responsible for the Front-End development at Keen. More specifically, his job is making sure things appear as pretty as they were designed and making data appear as precisely as designed. After finishing his BSc in Computer Science with the minor Deep Programming, he’s now set his sights on the Computer Science Master’s programme Big Data. Rink has previously worked as front-end developer on data visualisation tools and worked on website development for several international companies.
Leroy is a software engineer at Keen. Leading the technical development of the project, he is responsible for the back-end and operations. While pursuing his BSc. in Computer Science, he has also worked at several companies in pursuit of new knowledge and self-improvement. In his free time, he likes to cooldown with some gaming and anime.
Kevin is responsible for the Front-End development at Keen. He has a background in Software Engineering. His work experience include quality assurance and Front-End development at a large digital marketing company in Amsterdam. Kevin has an interest in design, frontend and mobile, all of which he applies to his work at Keen.
Martin has been a project manager for more then 15 year in a range of companies. During this time he developed an approach to project managent that emphasises risk management as the core concept to project management. His expertise and vision was the inspiration to start Keen and help companies to seamlessly integrate best practises for risk managent in their workflow.